Panthera Africa is an ethical sanctuary for any captive bred big cats in need of rescue. Animal welfare is their top priority.

One of Panthera Africa’s main purposes is to be an educational platform to create awareness about conditions big cats face in captivity, and how animal welfare and enrichment play a vital role in giving them the best captive life possible. Panthera Africa are a true sanctuary where no cub petting, breeding or trading takes place, and they take pride in speaking on their behalf!

Panthera Africa offer educational visits where you have the chance of capturing these beautiful animals as intended – with your camera – and hear their unique heart felt stories, in addition to learning facts about the species themselves and the critical situations they are facing.


Panthera is featured in our latest Big Cat Route, which incorporates educational visits to responsible sanctuaries and wild places, whereby guests learn and go away as conservationists. Guest donations are made for every visit and tour booked with Captured In Africa.


Consider this… the cost for Panthera Africa to rescue two animals and build a suitable enclosure is R246,500.00 (approximately $18,300). Here’s just some of the items YOU can help this sanctuary with, by donating the items below today;