Tree Tops School, Durban

Durban School Raises Funds for Big Cats

Conservation Awareness through the Lens and being Committed to Conservation are two key philosophies here at Captured In Africa, with the latter focussing on our work and effort at our foundation.

Education is a key element of that. If we can motivate and raise awareness of key conservation issues with our children & youth, then progressively, those conservation issues should be addressed more affectively and with more might & intelligence than what it has been in our life-time’s.

Friend of Captured In Africa Foundation Kerry McNevin was keen to utilise an opportunity on World Environment Day, to further educate and involve the children at Tree Tops School in Durban. We were thrilled that they were so passionate to do this and to see the result, it’s clear the children had a fantastic day. All for the love of big cats!

“To celebrate World Environment Day this year, all the children at Tree Tops School honoured the work being done by you, your team and other conservationists, in helping to give big cats the life and freedom they deserve.

We had a dress-up day which turned our school into the ‘African savannah’, teaming with big cats! The pre-schoolers loved wearing their masks and our Eco-Rangers (Grades 2 & 3) gave heartfelt presentations on how it might feel to be a lion experiencing the freedom of the bushveld for the first time. I know you would have been so proud of them… as I was!

Each child also paced a coin in our collection box. While it may be a small amount, it comes with HUGE appreciation of what you are doing.”

Much love.
Kerry McNevin
Deputy Principle

As Captured In Africa’s Drew Abrahamson concludes;

“Educating the youth of today with regards to the welfare of our wildlife & wild places the world over is of vital importance, as they are the ones who literally hold our living planet in the palm of their hands.

There are so many species that are endangered and on the brink of extinction, if we don’t educate our kids, these species will all be lost… we cannot afford to sit back & allow it to happen! We need to install a passion & respect within our children and in turn they will want to help protect these very vulnerable & not so vulnerable animals. A greater conscience needs to be built upon, as many of the kids of today are so engrossed in things that really don’t have any meaning or even add great value to their lives.”

#savebigcats #capturedinafricafoundation