The Cape Leopard Trust was established in 2004 as an active predator conservation working group in the Cape, using scientific research as a catalyst to facilitate conservation, particularly in finding solutions to human-wildlife conflict situations and inspiring a greater interest in the environment through an interactive and dynamic environmental education legacy programme.

Since its inception, the Trust has evolved as an authority on leopard conservation in the Cape, and one of the leading authorities in South Africa. The organisation has projects in the Table Mountain National Park, Namaqualand National Park, the Boland and the Cederberg. Since the establishment of the Trust, the Cederberg Conservancy has been established in partnership with Cape Nature, and leopard mortality has been significantly reduced thanks to improved farmer predator relations. The holistic vision of the organisation is to ensure the long-term survival of leopards in their own habitat, by protecting the fragile biodiversity upon which they depend through research and advocacy.

How we help
It’s critical that people support on-the-ground projects and research organisations. Working with Cape Leopard Trust to help develop educational programs for children to experience wildlife conservation by offering & supplying children with tours. Funding is supplied via our unique ‘wish list’ whereby Captured In Africa Foundation supporters may donate financially and towards specific equipment and materials which are required by Cape Leopard Trust to carry on doing their amazing work for leopard.